Science is all around us and it is our aim at Joseph Hood to develop a sense of curiosity in all our children, to help them to make sense of the world in which they live.
‘Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity’ (National Curriculum, DFE 2013).
Our learning environment therefore promotes an atmosphere of enquiry where we support children to develop:
- a rich variety of scientific vocabulary.
- confidence to articulate their scientific understanding clearly and precisely to each other and their teachers.
- listening skills to learn from each other and clarify misconceptions
- confidence to ask questions: “Why?’ and “How?”
- clear thinking skills to predict what will happen ‘if…’ and analyse the reasons why.
- enthusiasm to probe and delve, to build secure foundation of scientific knowledge.
Through our teaching of science we aim to promote motivation and engagement in all our children. We aspire to challenge children’s thinking to enable them to become better learners who have a passion to expand their knowledge, skills and understanding.