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How We Behave

At Joseph Hood, we pride ourselves in the excellent behaviour of our pupils both in and out of the school. We are often complimented on our pupils’ behaviour by visitors, parents and people we meet on educational visits and school trips.

We work hard to make Joseph Hood Primary School a safe and caring environment where everyone feels happy and valued and as such, we have high expectations of behaviour from all our pupils. Not only do we regularly review our Behaviour policy and our Anti‐Bullying policy (in consultation with the School Council), but at the beginning of each school year, children are consulted regarding the classroom rules which are then displayed in each classroom.


Every class uses the same rewards and sanctions chart to reward good behaviour or to indicate when a child’s behaviour falls below the expected level. In addition, children are able to earn “golden tickets” which they post in the gold box in the school hall. We pick two golden tickets from the box each week and the winners have a special treat at the end of the term.

Please follow the link below and have a look in our policy section at our Behaviour and Anti‐Bullying policies if you want to know more.